The beginnings of the Dental Lopez Laboratory dates back to the year 2005, in a área small local of just 20 square meters. During the first two years, the profesionalism and the quality of Dental Lopez Laboratory´s works had forced the necessity to move on another building larger and better supplied. In just two years later, in 2007, Dental Lopez Laboratory started to operate in a new location set in one of neighbourhood more famous in Ourense. For then, the laboratory just had 100 square meters combined with a modern design cutting edge technology.
During the last years the demand of work in Dental Lopez Laboratorio increased considerably. Our motivation to assume new goals related with the training in the aesthetic dental had forced to relocate its future production site to a different area. For this reason, in 2015 Dental Lopez Laboratory moved on the header office and the laboratory to an exclusive area outside the city called Tecnópole: Parque Tecnológico de Galicia.
Nowadays, the main head office is set in a exclusive area called Tecnopole or Parque Tecnológico de Galicia. Some of the most far sighted businesses are set there. The facilities of Dental Lopez Laboratory occupy around 500 square meters. The situation of the company in a privileged enviroment is perfect to develop the latest advances in our field.
Dental Lopez Laboratory owns a private area where you can attend to training courses. This area has been designed to odontologists, dental technicians, dental hygienists, maxillofacial surgeons and others. The initiative aims to provide all the instrumental and materials required to investigate new methods or tecniques dental so, to get better results more natural and reliable.
Our corporate philosophy consists of making prosthesis perfectly designed to last a whole lifetime.